Tuition and Enrollment

If you are intrested in learning more about Sun Fern Montessori Children's House, please call or email us to schedule a tour or a time to visit and observe the community. Observations visits are the best way to get a feel for our program.  After you visit, if you are interested in enrolling, you will need to fill out an application.  Preference will be given to the children who will help create a balance among genders and age groups.  Preference is also given to famlilies who are committed to remaining in the community for thier kindergarten year.  

Child's first year - A one-time $300.00 non-refundable materials and registration fee, along with 1/2 your first months Program Fee is due at intitial registration. In subsequent years, your space for the following Fall is reserved with a $500.00 Program Fee deposit due by March 1st, credited towards your Program Fee in December.  Sun Fern Montessori Children's House is a year round program, with an annual tuition broken into 12 equal payments.  The Program Fee is due the 1st of each month (paid one month in advance).   

OUR PROGRAM & FEES                                                                                   

Full-day: (5 days)   8:30-3:30

$12240.00 ($1020.00 per payment)

Full-day: (4 days):  8:30-3:30

$10860.00 ($905.00 per payment)

Half-day:(5 days)    8:30-12:30

$9780.00 ($815.00 per payment)
Before School Care: 8:00-8:30 $80/month
AfterSchool Care:    3:30-4:30 $160/month

Program Fee includes materials and snacks.  
*New student enrollment fee:

$300.00 + 1/2 First month's Program Fee

*Re-enrollment fee: $500.00 Program Fee deposit credited December 1st
Late pick up fee: $5/minute
Beginning 1 minute after the student's designated pick up time. 

Late payment/NSF/charge back fee:




Children arrive at the classroom door  •  They are greeted by Ms. Tara, Mr. Chris and other classmates  •  They come in by themselves to take care of their belongings/self then soon after visiting with their friends and transitioning to school they begin individual or small group activities  •  Outdoor extension work activity and large movement available at all times throughout the school day.


Montessori work time continues with the children working individually or in small groups in which they receive presentations in practical life skills, spoken language, writing, reading, mathematics, artistic expression, singing, movement and refinement of the senses.  Morning snack is available from 8:30-10:30. Water is available throughout the day for them to serve themselves.


Children eat lunch in the classroom, practicing independent grace and courtesy at meal time including cleaning up after themselves.


Outdoor playtime.


- Half day children departure


Afternoon Montessori work cycle.  Children work individually or in small groups and receive presentations.  Afternoon snack is available from 1:00-3:00.   Younger children are resting in the classroom.


School is over.  After care is available till 4:30 where we engage in free play and group games.